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Seria HWS i HWS Micro - separatory wody i oleju


Kondensat generowany przez smarowane sprężarki powietrza składa się z pary wodnej pochodzącej z atmosfery i smaru z procesu sprężania. Po sprężeniu kondensat jest usuwany ze strumienia powietrza w fazach chłodzenia, osuszania chłodniczego i filtracji uzdatnianego powietrza

Hankison HWS Series oil-water separators feature proprietary alumina silicate substrate media beds

That proprietary alumina silicate substrate adsorbs ALL compressor-based lubricants, including silicone, polyalkylene glycol (PAGs), and food grade.Operating multiple compressors using different types of lubricants? Each HWS unit supports up to six simultaneously connected compressors or downstream components in just one unit. Ideally suited to compressors15 HP to 600 HP, there’s an oil-water separator to match medium –to- large compressed air systems.

Better by Design

When properly sized, installed, and registered, our systems are guaranteed to reduce contaminants in your compressor condensate to 10 ppm or less* for the life of the unit. If your unit fails under these conditions, Hankison will replace the failed unit or provide a refund through your distributor.


Hankison HWS Series oil-water separators feature proprietary alumina silicate substrate media beds

That proprietary alumina silicate substrate adsorbs ALL compressor-based lubricants, including silicone, polyalkylene glycol (PAGs), and food grade.Operating multiple compressors using different types of lubricants? Each HWS unit supports up to six simultaneously connected compressors or downstream components in just one unit. Ideally suited to compressors15 HP to 600 HP, there’s an oil-water separator to match medium –to- large compressed air systems.

Better by Design

When properly sized, installed, and registered, our systems are guaranteed to reduce contaminants in your compressor condensate to 10 ppm or less* for the life of the unit. If your unit fails under these conditions, Hankison will replace the failed unit or provide a refund through your distributor.